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Our Investment Strategy
Bounty evaluates the global economic landscape and analyzes technical, political and monetary trends. Portfolios are structured from a top-down economic outlook and the relative value of each sector. Stocks are added or deleted based on both fundamental analysis (e.g., earnings, balance sheet strength) and technical indicators (e.g., price/volume analysis, business cycle, and money flows). Using our analysis, Bounty targets specific areas and securities that we believe are attractive.

Security Selection
First, Bounty attempts to mitigate downside risks using a selection of cyclically and historically undervalued equities (in terms of P/Es and cash flow) in out-of-favor, but improving industries.

Second, Bounty tries to identify individual equities at buy points which coincide with intermediate market lows thereby improving the prospects for immediate price improvement or reward potential.

Finally, we hold positions as long as they continue to outperform the market indicating a favorable supply/demand characteristic. This last ingredient tends to lower portfolio turnover and increase certain positions as we attempt to discover situations which will rise over three to five years. With lower turnover, the trading costs are lower and the capital gains are long-term.

10 HIGH STREET, SUITE 504, BOSTON MA 02110 · 617.357.8285